Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, which is translated from Sanskrit -Light . Vedic astrology sheds light on the lives of people , who want to know their world, in which they will be happy. .
How does Jyotish work?
The whole world is created from one whole and this whole is repeated in everything.
"То что внизу подобно тому что вверху, и то что вверху подобно тому что внизу. И все это только in order to perform the miracle of one - one"
* Hermes Trismegistus *
The structure of the structure of the atom is similar to the structure of the Earth .
On the leaf of the tree, you can see the display of the tree.
On the palm of a person there is a projection of human organs, which can be influenced through the palm at a certain time ... .
In other words, the world is constantly repeating, and knowing how the planets were located at the time of a person’s birth, you can learn a lot about him._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad-08d_main 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_is to understand a person, to see his individual path to happiness.
About me
The sun filled this fabulous world with bright, warm light...
Warming with its warmth all living things around, lighting up bright colors of multi-colored flowers...
One day in India I met a teacher...
Его жизнь ,его знания, были наполнены солнечным,теплым светом, и мир вокруг меня изменился ...
c since I try to share this light with everyone ...
Main questions
С какими способностями родился человек и возможные пути реализации их в жизни.
Health . Health related issues.
Good luck and success in activities. Partnerships.
Individual way in life,
help in finding a destination.
The answer to the question
recommendations of his solution. Action, recommendations when to take the first step.
Interview with an astrologer.